I disappeared for a few weeks, my apologies. I'm not a full-time blogger. I'm not even sure if anyone cares what I have to say in the first place, BUT, I'm making an update post, and you guessed it, it's all about the new year.
2014 was a huge year of self discovery for me. I learned a lot about who I am and what I want to accomplish in the future. I learned a lot about looking after myself properly, mentally and physically. As cliche as it sounds, it was a serious year of personal growth for me.
You guessed it again, I'm going to make some resolutions for 2015!
Read More Books.
This is quite different for me. 2 years ago, if you'd asked me to read a book, I'd vomit right in front of you. I DESPISED reading for pretty much my entire life. Any time I was assigned books to read for school, I could not hold my interest to read them. I never read books for leisure. Once I entered college, and opened my eyes to actually INTERESTING literature and knowledge that is out there, I've taken on a serious love of reading. It's crazy. I can fly through books now. I feel like I'm talking in one of those commercials about children's reading programs lol. But anyway, I have quite a "to read" list and plan to tackle as many as possible this year, if not all of them. My list includes various works from Haruki Murakami as well as a book recommended by one of my professor titled "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey.
Go out to eat more often.
Surprise, surprise. Usually people make the resolution to eat out LESS often. But honestly, I really don't spend money on myself as much as I deserve to treat myself. But it's not just a matter of spending money on myself. I want to go out to enjoy myself more often, discover new places and try new things. I love trying new foods, and I often make the "I want to save money" excuse, and end up passing up fun opportunities. Buying a good dining experience is money well spent.
Slow Down.
It's easy to lose sight of the positivity around us when we're so pre-occupied with school, work, personal problems, etc. But it's there, it's always there. You just have to go out of your way to look for it, sometimes more than other times. Slow down, find it, savor it, appreciate it. I think everyone should make this resolution.
Take More Breaks.
I'm very task oriented and always feel like I need to constantly be on the move and being productive. It's often hard for me to relax, but taking breaks is important and healthy, mentally and physically.
Get outside more often.
I think a lot of people can do this too. There is a laundry list of benefits that come from spending more time outside, and it's not even a daunting task either.
Less Screen Time.
Seriously. Speaks for itself. Take a look at this.
Stretch Daily.
It's important, it feels good, it's good for the body. A good habit to get into.
The start of the new year isn't the only time to make resolutions for yourself, but there's certainly more spirit in it. Hope you all have a marvelous 2015! xx
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