1. Start with a morning "sit":
What do you normally do when you get out of bed? Do you go straight to the computer, turn on the TV? Jump out of bed as you realize you're late for something super important and you have absolutely no time to even stop for a second?
I'm not assuming anything, but if any of those are you, I'm going to assume you're not much of a morning person. The good news is, mindfulness can help you to BECOME a "morning person".
I'm not assuming anything, but if any of those are you, I'm going to assume you're not much of a morning person. The good news is, mindfulness can help you to BECOME a "morning person".
I always like to have some time for myself in the morning before I get my day started. Most mornings, the first thing I do is head downstairs, pour myself a cup of coffee, and just sit at my kitchen table. I resist the urge to check instagram/facebook/turn on the TV/read the newspaper/whatever. Tune into the present moment, feel your body waking up, focus on your breathing, stare at the light reflections in your coffee mug. It really sets the tone and helps to ease into a good day.
2. Mindful Meals:
Let's be honest, many people like to watch TV, scroll through social media, or read something as they eat a meal. I'm very guilty of it myself. When I'm eating by myself, it's hard to put my phone or laptop down. I really have to make the conscious effort to resist, but I know it is worth it.
When you eat a meal, dedicate that time simply to the act of eating. Eat slowly, appreciate and savor each bite of food. Take notice to the different flavors and textures. Paying attention will make your meal so much more satisfying and fulfilling. Food is awesome, don't take it for granted.
3. Be continually curious:
Curiosity is extremely necessary for mindful experiences. Try to experience the world as though you are experiencing things for the first time. Be open to new sensory experiences. Think of the intense captivation that small children feel, constantly learning. This mindfulness can make mundane experiences continually new and exciting. When you listen to your favorite music that you've heard so many times, pay close attention to the different sound waves and rhythms that come together all at once to create the harmonious music that is detected by your ears. When you take a shower, slow down and experience how the warm water feels on your skin, how the soap smells. When you simply slow down this way you can cultivate gratitude for all the wonderful things that are too often overlooked in life.
"Mindful awareness casts a wider, more accepting stance toward the present moment than is typical. Watch what feelings emerge as you experiment with openness." -Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D.
"Mindful awareness casts a wider, more accepting stance toward the present moment than is typical. Watch what feelings emerge as you experiment with openness." -Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D.
4. Stretch Everyday:
Stretching is such an easy, quick, yet extremely effective way to get in tune with your body. Every morning, stretch out your muscles and focus on really feeling your muscles stretching out and your blood flowing to them.
5. Be Mindful while you are waiting:
Waiting can be annoying, waiting in line, waiting in the doctor's office, waiting for a phone call, whatever. It is time consuming and it is often time WASTING. But, when you are simply waiting with nothing else to occupy your time, it is a great opportunity to practice mindfulness, and therefore will be a great use of your time! Focus on anything, no matter how simple. Ed Halliwell, mindfulness teacher and co-author of The Mindful Manifesto, suggests to focus on “the flow of the breath in and out of your body, from moment to moment and allow everything else to just be, even if what’s there is impatience or irritation.”
Happy Mindful Monday!
Happy Mindful Monday!
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